Curriculum Vitae
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slavic Department
Ph. D. (1993) Major: Slavic Languages and Literatures
Minor: Comparative Literature
M.A. (1989) Major: Slavic Languages and Literatures
Oberlin College
B.A. (1988) Major: Russian Literature
Leningrad State University (CIEE Semester Abroad, 1986)
Norwich University (Russian summer study, 1985, 1986)
New York University,
Interim Vice Chancellor & Vice Provost for Global Programs (2023-)
Chair (2001-2007, 2022-), Russian & Slavic Studies
Acting Chair, (2014-2019, 2022-), East Asian Studies
Adviser, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (2021-)
Senior Academic Convenor for the Global Network (2017-2023)
Global Coordinator (2014-2019), East Asian Studies
Global Coordinator (2013-2017), Russian & Slavic Studies
Provostial Fellow (2011-2016), Office of Global Programs
Acting Chair (2011-2012), Russian & Slavic Studies.
Collegiate Professor (2010-)
Professor (2007-)
Director, College Core Curriculum (2004-2009)
Associate Professor (2001- 2007), Russian & Slavic Studies.
Director of Graduate Studies, Russian & Slavic Studies.
(1996-1998, 2000-2001, 2010-2011, 2013-2014)
Assistant Professor (1995-2001), Russian & Slavic Studies.
Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
Visiting Professor (Fall 2010, Spring 2012)
Columbia University,
Visiting Professor (Fall 2001)
Russian State Humanities University (RGGU)
Visiting Lecturer (1999)
United States Information Agency,
Consultant (1995)
University of Virginia,
Assistant Professor (1993- 1995).
CIEE Summer Business Program (St. Petersburg),
Resident Director (1994)
Fulbright Program for the Russian Federation (Moscow),
Director (1992-1993).
Operation Provide Hope (Moscow),
Humanitarian Aid Worker (Spring 1992)
University of Wisconsin-Madison/Moscow State University Exchange Program,
Resident Director (1991-1992).
Jewish Social Services (Madison, WI)
Resettlement Worker (1989-1991)
Wayne S. Vucinich prize for "most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences (ASEEES 2020)
Best Book in Cultural Studies (AATSEEL 2020)
Summer Research Lab Grant (Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2019)
Guggenheim Fellowship (2009)
Best Book in Gender Studies (AWSS 2008)
NYU Golden Dozen Teaching Award (2005)
NYU Research Challenge Grant (2004)
Best Book in Literature/Cultural Scholarship (AATSEEL 2001)
Social Science Research Council Fellowship (2000)
Fulbright Fellowship for Russia (1999)
Goddard Fellowship (1999)
NYU Golden Dozen Teaching Award (1999)
Curriculum Challenge Grant (1998)
IREX Short Term Travel Grant (1995, 1997)
NEH Summer Seminar ("Utopia: Views from Nowhere") (1996), Northwestern U.
University of Virginia Summer Research Grant (1995) (declined)
University of Wisconsin Fellowship (1990-91)
Mellon Fellowship (1988-90)
Soviet Self-Hatred: The Secret Identities of Post- Socialism (Cornell, June 2023)
The Window into Your Head: Marvel Comics in the 1970s (Cornell, May 2023)
Meanwhile, in Russia: Russian Memes and Viral Videos (Bloomsbury, 2022)
Pussy Riot: Speaking Punk to Power (Bloomsbury Press, 2020)
Plots against Russia: Conspiracy and Fantasy after Socialism (Cornell University Press, 2019). Winner, Wayne S. Vucinich Prize for most important book in Slavic Studies, 2020. Shortlist, AATSEEL Best Book in Cultural Studies, 2020.
Overkill: Sex Violence, and Russian Popular Culture after 1991 (Cornell University Press, 2008). Winner, AWSS award for Best Book in Women's/Gender Studies, 2008.
Men Without Women: Masculinity and Revolution in Russian Fiction, 1917-1929 (Duke University Press, 2000). Winner, AATSEEL award for Best Book in Literature/Cultural Scholarship, 2001.
Unstuck in Time: On the Post-Soviet Uncanny (book) (under review at Cornell University Press)
Harry Potter in Russia: The Politics of Enchantment under Putin (book) (under contract with Bloomsbury; due December 1, 2023)
Russian Culture under Putin (book) (under contract with Bloomsbury; due December 1, 2023)
HBO’s The Leftovers: Mourning and Melancholy on Premium Cable (book)
Reading the Superhero: Ethics, Crises, and Superboy Punches (book)
Unidentified Russian Objects: On Post-Soviet Melancholy (book)
Marvel Comics in the 1980s (book)
Editorial Work
Founding editor and primary contributor, "All the Russias" (the blog of the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia) (2012-)
Editor and co-translator, Mark Lipovetsky’s Russian Postmodernism: Dialogue with Chaos. (M. E. Sharpe, 1999).
Co-Editor, with Mark Lipovetsky and Elena Baraban. “Iteration through Innovation: Russian Popular Culture Today.” Slavic and East European Journal 48.3 (2004).
Online Projects
“Unstuck in Time.” Blog serializing first draft of book. (2021-)
“Russian Television Commercials: The Short Course.” Weekly series of online lectures. (2021)
““Online Teaching Tips for the Plague-Averse.” Facebook group for faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020-)
“Russian Internet Memes: The Short Course.” Weekly series of online lectures (2020)
Plague-Averse Online Book Club (Discord Channel for discussing The Magic Mountain) (2020)
“Marvel in the 1970s,” Blog serializing the first draft of 2022 book. (2020)
“The Watchmen Watch.” Blog about the transmedia afterlives of Alan Moore’s and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel (eliotborenstein.net) (2019)
“Re-Reading Akunin” (2019)
“Soviet Self-Hatred.” Blog serializing first draft of 2023 book (2019)
“Plots against Russia.” Blog serializing the first draft of 2019 book (2015-2017)
Editor, "All the Russias" (the blog of the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (2012-2018)
“The American Postwar Graphic Novel.”.” The Oxford History of the Novel in English. Volume 8: American Fiction Since 1940” (forthcoming)
“Watchmen, Medium, and Genre.” The Oxford History of the Novel in English. Volume 8: American Fiction Since 1940” (forthcoming)
“Everybody Hates Russia: On the Uses of Conspiracy Theory under Putin.” Social Research 89.3 (2022): 811-829
“Post-Soviet Masculinities and the Vanishing Subject.” The Routledge International Handbook to Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia (2022)
“Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, and Propaganda.” Deutschmann, Peter, Jens Herlth, and Alois Woldan (eds.) “Truth” and Fiction: Conspiracy Theories in European Culture and Literature. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2020. 169-183.
“Borders Unpatrolled: Imaginary Geographies and the Spaces of Performance in Russian Viral Video.” Buckler, Julie and Julie Cassiday. Russian Performances. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018. 139-147
“Foreword” to Elena Siemens. Street Fashion Moscow. Chicago: Intellect, 2017. 7.
“Beating around the Bush: Pussy Riot and the Anatomy of the Body Politic.” Yana Hashamova and Mark Lipovetsky (eds.) Transgressive Women in Modern Russian and East European Cultures: From the Bad to the Blasphemous. New York: Routledge, 2016. 192-208.
“Dystopias and Catastrophe Tales after Chernobyl.” Evgeny Dobrenko and Mark Lipovetsky (eds.). Russian Literature since 1991. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 86-103
“The Cathedral of Christ the Savior as Scandal and Haunted House.” East-West Church & Ministry Report. 22.2 (Spring 2014): 7-10.
“Holy Appropriate: Why Pussy Riot and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour are a match made in heaven.” The Calvert Journal. January 22, 2014.
"Perverting Slavic Studies: A Love Story." Newsnet (March 2011): 1-7.
"Pyramids and Prophets." Adele Barker and Bruce Grant (eds). The Russia Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. 706-713.
"Our Borats, Our Selves: Yokels and Cosmopolitans on the Global Stage." Slavic Review 67.1 (2008): 1-7.
"Band of Brothers: Homoeroticism and the Russian Action Hero." Kultura 2 (May 2008): 17-21.
"Chekhov, Anton'" Brulotte, Gaetan and John Phillips (eds). Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. New York: Routledge, 2006. Volume 1: 228-229.
"Kuprin, Alexander." Brulotte, Gaetan and John Phillips (eds). Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. New York: Routledge, 2006. Volume 1: 733-735.
"Platonov, Andrei." Brulotte, Gaetan and John Phillips (eds). Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. New York: Routledge, 2006. Volume 2: 1041-1042.
”Nation im Ausverkauf. Prostitution und Chauvinismus in Russland." Oesteuropa (6/2006): 99-122.
”Selling Russia: Prostitution, Masculinity, and the Metaphors of Nationalism after Perestroika." Helena Goscilo and Andrea Lanoux (ed.) Gender and National Identity in Russian Culture Northern Illinois University Press, 2006. 267-299.
”Stripping the Nation Bare: Russian Pornography and the Insistence on Meaning." Lisa Z. Siegel (ed.) International Exposure: Perspectives on Modern European Pornography, 1800-2000. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2005. 232-254.
”Survival of the Catchiest: Memes and Postmodernism in Russia.” Slavic and East European Journal 48.3 (2004): 462-484.
"Chernukha." Millar, James R. Encyclopedia of Russian History (2003)
"Viktor Pelevin." Millar, James R. Encyclopedia of Russian History (2003)
"Aleksandra Marinina." Marina Balina and Mark Lipovetsky (eds.) Dictionary of Literary Biography: Russian Writers Since 1980. 2003. 184-188.
”Was It Sexy, or Just Soviet? The Post-Soviet Expat Safari Novel Comes of Age." The Nation (January 2003).
"Fighting Words: Mayakovsky’s War with Himself" The Silver Age: Russian Literature and Culture, 1881-1921 3-4 (2001). 85-104.
"Zhenoubiitsy: Zhertvoprinoshenie zhenshchiny i muzhsckoe tovarishchestvo v rannei sovetskoi epokhe." [“The Ladykillers: Female Sacrifice and Male Comradeship in Early Soviet Fiction.”] Kontinent 108 (2001): 290-321.
"Defying Interpretation: Allegory and Ideology in Yuri Olesha’s Envy. "Russian Literature (2000).
"Akh, ‘Andriusha,’ nam li byt’ v pechali …Nationalizm sovremennykh 'Muzhsckikh zhurnalov." [“Nationalism in Contemporary ‘Men’s Magazines.’”] Sergei Ushakin (ed.). O muzhe(n)stvennosti.
"‘About That’: Deploying and Deploring Sex in Post-Soviet Russia." Russian Culture of the 1990s. Studies in Twentieth Century Literature. 24:1 (Winter 2000): 51-83.
"Tekst kak mashina smerti: voenny rasskazy A. Platonova." Voina i literatura, 1941-1945. Yekaterinburg: Ural State Pedagogical University Press, 2000. 109-117.
"‘Masculinity and Nationalism in Contemporary Russian ‘Men’s Magazines’." M. Levitt and A. Toporkov. (ed.) Eros and Pornography in Russian Culture. Moscow: Ladomir, 1999. 605-621.
"Public Offerings: MMM and the Marketing of Melodrama.” Adele Barker (ed.). Consuming Russia. Duke University Press, 1999. 49-75.
"Suspending Disbelief: Cults and Postmodernism in Contemporary Russia.” Adele Barker (ed.). Consuming Russia. Duke University Press, 1999. 437-462.
"Postmodernism, Duty-Free.” Introduction to Mark Lipovetsky’s Russian Postmodernism: Dialogue with Chaos. (M. E. Sharpe, 1999). xv-xviii.
“Indigenous and Syncretic Faiths Find Following in Russia.” Religion Watch (September 1997).
"Сам не свой: судьба личности в романе “Мы” ["Not himself: The Fate of the Individual in the Novel We"] Russkaia literatura XX veka: napravleniia i techeniia. Vypusk 3. 1996. 40-55.
"The Plural Self: Zamjatin's We and the Logic of Synecdoche.” Slavic and East European Journal 40.4 (1996): 667-683.
"Slavophilia: The Incitement to Russian Sexual Discourse." ” Slavic and East European Journal 40.1 (1996): 142-147.
"Articles of Faith: The Media Response to Maria Devi Khristos." Religion 25.3 (1995): 249-266.
"Maria Devi Khristos: A Post-Soviet Cult Without Personality." Mind & Human
Interaction 5.3 (1994): 110-122.
Iampolski, Mikhail. “Putin’s Russia Is in the Grip of Fascism.” Newsweek. March 9, 2015.
Iampolski, Mikhail. “Judging the Victors: Why Victimhood Is a Bad Fit for Russia.” All the Russias. March 5, 2015.
Iampolski, Mikhail. “Totalitarian Speech: Putin’s ‘National Traitors.’” All the Russias. April 11, 2014.
Iampolski, Mikhail. “Putin, Crimea, and the Hallucinations of Power.” All the Russias. March 14, 2014.
Marina Balina. “Playing Absolute Time: Chronotypes of Sots-Art.” Endquote: Sots-Art and the Dilemma of Post-Soviet Literature. Ed Marina Balina, Nancy Condee, Evgeny Dobrenko. Northwestern University Press, 2000. 58-74
Maxim Gorky. Vassa Zheleznova, commissioned for English language premiere by the Theater By the Blind at the Samuel Beckett Theater, April, 2000.
Mark Lipovetsky. “On the Nature of Russian Postmodernism.” Karen L. Ryan and Barry P. Scherr (eds.). Twentieth-Century Russian Literature: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. 329-338.
Editor, Russian Translation. Lai-ha Lam. Bridge: A Medical Communication Vehicle in Multiple Languages. New York: Bridgeland Publication, 1996.
“The Devil Went Down to Kyiv.” Meduza. December 20, 2022.
“Police/State: All Bastards Are Cops.” B20. October 4, 2022.
“The Strangeness of Being Briefly Relevant” Law, Culture and the Humanities. August, 2021.
“Father Time.” Russian History Blog. June 4, 2021.
“New Book, New Blog: Unstuck in Time.” All the Russias. June 1, 2021.
“Navalny and the Boxers Rebellion.” All the Russias. December 23, 2020.
“Confessions of a Bad Conference Attendee.” Feeding the Elephant (H-Net). November 4, 2020
“The Lincoln Project’s Red Scare.“ All the Russias. July 2, 2020.
“The Screens of Academe".” ASEEES Newsnet. June 2020.
“Forgetting Eduard Limonov : The New York Times’ Obituary Epic Fail.” All the Russias. March 19, 2020.
“Beyond Belief.“ ASEEES Blog, January 17, 2020
“Notre Dame de Social Media Bullshit.” All the Russias. April 17, 2019.
“U.S. vs Russia: Make America Fat Again.” All the Russias. February 15, 2019.
“NYT: Let’s Get Racist about Russia.” All the Russias.. February 5, 2019.
“Rereading Akunin: An Introduction.” All the Russias. January 17, 2019.
“New Book, New Blog: Russia’s Alien Nations.” All the Russias.. January 10, 2019.
“Researching Russian Conspiracies in the Age of Trump.” All the Russias.. October 24, 2018.
“Researching Russian Conspiracies in the Age of Trump.” Slavic and East European Journal Blog.
“The Americans: Take Your Daughter to Work Day.” All the Russias. . April 5, 2018.
“The Strange Resurrection of Arkady Babchenko.” All the Russias. May 30, 2018.
“The Americans: The Marriage Plot against America.” All the Russias. March 29, 2018
“Was Putin Really Blaming Jews for Interfering in the U.S. Election? Probably Not “ The Monkey Cage. The Washington Post. March 12, 2018.
“Was Putin Targeting Jews? “All the Russias. March 12, 2018
“Boys Just Want to Have Fun: Just How Queer Are the ‘Satisfaction’ Videos?” All the Russias. February 27,
“Enabling Russian Paranoia: A Response to Thomas Weber.” December 5, 2017
“Matt Taibbi’s Not-So-Secret Past.” The Huffington Post. October 30, 2017.
“Matt Taibbi’s Not-So-Secret Past.” All the Russias. October 29, 2017.
“Ksenia Sobchak, or, Who Gets to Lose to Putin in 2018?” All the Russias. October 23, 2017 .
“Is “Fake News” Fake news?” All the Russias. October 16, 2017
“Blaming Russia.” The Huffington Post October 19, 2017.
“Blaming Russia.” All the Russias. October 9, 2017.
“Change is Coming to ‘All the Russias’.” All the Russias. October 4, 2017
“Talking with Geoff Cebula, Author of ‘Adjunct’”. All the Russias. August 1, 2017
“Cringe-Watching: Oliver’s Stone’s The Putin Interviews.”. The Huffington Post. June 16, 2017.
“Cringe-Watching: Oliver’s Stone’s The Putin Interviews.” All the Russias. June 16, 2017
“The Ballad of Sonya and Louis: An Immigrant Story.” All the Russias. March 8 2017
“Trump’s Inaugural Poem, Take Two”. The Huffington Post. January 20, 2017.
“Hulk Smash Stupid Russia Theories.” All the Russias. January 16, 2017.
“In Defense of Russia’s Holocaust on Ice.” The Huffington Post. December 15, 2016.
“In Defense of Russia’s Holocaust on Ice.” All the Russias. December 1, 2016.
“American Fascism: Lessons from Russia.” The Huffington Post. November 21, 2016.
“American Fascism: Lessons from Russia.” All the Russias. November 21, 2016.
“Russia vs. PornHub.” The Huffington Post. August 17, 2016. September 22, 2016.
“Russia vs. PornHub: Lie Back and Think of the Motherland.” All the Russias. September 19, 2016.
“Pokémon Go and Paranoia in Russia.” The Huffington Post. August 17, 2016.
“PokéMaidan, or, How to Start a Moral Panic in Russia.” All the Russias. August 17, 2016.
“Is Donald Trump Carrying Putin’s Baby?” The Huffington Post. July 27, 2016.
“Is Donald Trump Carrying Putin’s Baby?” All the Russias. July 25, 2016.
“No Netflix, No Chill: In Russia, it’s Better to Purge than to Binge.” The Huffington Post. June 24, 2016.
“No Netflix, No Chill: Russia’s Culture Minister Would Rather Purge than Binge.” All the Russias. June 23rd, 2016.
“The Post-Soviet Future of FX’s The Americans: A Modest Proposal.” All the Russias. June 3, 2016.
“Perestroika Blues.” Public Books. June 2, 2016.
“AIDS, Condoms and Rank Stupidity in Russia.” The Huffington Post. June 8, 2016.
“Barriers to Entry: AIDS, Condoms and Rank Stupidity in Russia.” All the Russias. June 2nd, 2016.
“Vegans vs. Sausage-Wielding Nationalists; or, How I Miffed Your Motherland.” The Huffington Post.
“Vegans vs. Sausage-Wielding Nationalists; or, How I Miffed Your Motherland.” All the Russias. May 31st, 2016.
“Papa Don’t Preach: The Church vs. Chekhov.” The Huffington Post. March 17, 2016.
“Papa Don’t Preach: The Church, Chekhov, and Checks and Balances.” March 16th, 2016.
“Russian Fascists for Trump!” The Huffington Post. March 3, 2016.
“Russian Fascists for Trump!” March 2nd, 2016. All the Russias.
“Thank You, Comrade Stalin, for Ben Carson.” The Huffington Post. February 16, 2016.
“Thank You, Comrade Stalin, for Ben Carson.” All the Russias. February 15th, 2016
“New Book, New Blog: Plots against Russia.” November 11th, 2015.
Toxique romance: Comment la Russie voit l’Amérique.” Translated by Ophélie Siméon. La vie des idées. October 20, 2015.
“Caught in a Bad Romance: What America Means to Russia” All the Russias. October 16, 2015.
“Caught in a Bad Romance: What America Means to Russia.” Public Books October 15, 2015.
“The David Brooks I Miss; or, What Passes for Commentary about Russia.” The Huffington Post September 11, 2015.
“The David Brooks I Miss; or, What Passes for Commentary about Russia.” All the Russias. September 11, 2015.
“Understanding Russia’s War on Cheese.” The Huffington Post. August 14, 2015.
“Russian Propaganda and the Return of the Repressed; or, Why the Cheese Never Stands Alone.” All the Russias. August 14, 2015.
“Six Questions for Jenny Kaminer about Her New Book, Women with a Thirst for Destruction: The Bad Mother in Russian Culture. “ All the Russias. May 21, 2015.
“Porn for Peace: Ending the War in Ukraine While Riding a Dolphin.” The Huffington Post. March 24, 2015.
“Porn for Peace: Ending the War in Ukraine While Riding a Dolphin.” All the Russias. March 23, 2015.
“Nemtsov and the Smoking Gun.” The Huffington Post. March 3, 2015.
“Nemtsov and the Smoking Gun.” All the Russias. March 2, 2015.
“Please Let Me Join Your Spy Scandal!” The Huffington Post. February 23, 2015.
“The Curious Incident of Putin’s ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’.” The Huffington Post. February 6, 2015.
“Defending the Mother Who Abandoned Her Down Syndrome Baby.” The Huffington Post. February 6, 2015.
“The Curious Incident of Putin’s Asperger’s Syndrome.” All the Russias. February 5, 2015.
“Please Let Me Join Your Spy Scandal!” All the Russias. January 27, 2015.
“Russia: Don’t Let the Trans People drive the Bus!” The Huffington Post. January 12, 2015.
“Don’t Let the Transvestite Drive the Bus?” All the Russias. January 9, 2015.
“Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Was ‘Black’ in Russia. Is He White in America?” The Washington Post. January 8, 2015.
“Our New Feature on Current Scholarship in the Field.” All the Russias. January 7, 2015.
“The Eye of Sauron over Moscow, or, Revenge of the Orcs.” The Huffington Post. December 11, 2014.
“The Eye of Sauron over Moscow, or, Revenge of the Orcs.” All the Russias. December 11, 2014.
“Steve Jobs, iPhones, and Gay Propaganda.” The Huffington Post. November 7, 2014.
“Steve Jobs, iPhones, and Gay Propaganda.” All the Russias. November 5, 2014.
“Is Being a Bad Parent a Crime?” The Huffington Post. September 18, 2014.
“Sex Tips from the Russian GQ Magazine.” The Huffington Post. September 17, 2014.
“Sex Tips from the Russian GQ Magazine.” All the Russias. September 16, 2014.
“’Sucking Strelkov,’ or, The Erotics of Russian Invasion.” The Huffington Post. September 12, 2014.
“Please Segregate My Special Needs Child.” The Huffington Post. September 12, 2014.
“’Sucking Strelkov,’ or, The Erotics of Russian Invasion.” All the Russias. September 11, 2014.
“Russia, Ukraine, and the Fantasies of War.” The Huffington Post. September 9, 2014.
“Russia, Ukraine, and the Fantasies of War.” All the Russias. September 8, 2014.
“Why Conspiracy Theories Take Hold in Russia.” The Huffington Post. July 28, 2014.
“Why Conspiracy Theories Take Hold in Russia.” All the Russias. July 28, 2014.
“Putin, Planes, and Propaganda.” The Huffington Post. July 21, 2014.
“Putin, Planes, and Propaganda.” All the Russias. July 21, 2014.
“Russia Under Siege: Attack of the Gay Pillows." All the Russias. June 12, 2014.
“Spies in the House of Rock.”All the Russias. April 17, 2014.
“Crimea and the Jewish Problem.” All the Russias. March 26, 2014.
“Russia and Ukraine: Stupidity, Cynicism, or Both?” All the Russias. March 2, 2014.
“Putin, Ventriloquism and Free Speech.” PEN America. February 14, 2014.
“Putin, Ventriloquism and Free Speech." The Huffington Post. February 14, 2014.
“Black Woman or Russian Fashion Accessory? Only Her Hairdresser Knows for Sure…” All the Russias. January 24, 2014.
“Nadya Tolokno: Pussy Riot’s Fashion Icon or Fashion Victim?” All the Russias. January 7, 2014.
“Pussy Riot vs. Ksenia Sobchak, Round Two.” All the Russias. December 30, 2013.
“Testicles vs. Trunks, or, The Discreet Charms of Public Hooliganism.” All the Russias. December 4, 2013.
“Sex Secrets of the Russian Classics.” All the Russias. September 20, 2013.
“Sending Our Gay Students to Russia.” All the Russias. August 6, 2013.
“Snowden’s Russian Summer Reading List.” All the Russias. July 25, 2013.
“The Spy Who…Oh, Never Mind.” All the Russias. May 17, 2013.
“Off-White like Dzhokhar.” All the Russias. May 2, 2013.
“Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Neil Gaiman and the Failure of Imagination.” All the Russias. April 23, 2019.
“Putin vs. the Female Body, Round Two.” All the Russias. April 9, 2013.
“This Just in: Boris Berezovsky Is Still Dead.” All the Russias. March 25, 2013.
“Sobchak Interviews Nevzorov and My Head Explodes.” All the Russias. March 12, 2013.
“New York Times Warp: Getting Russia Wrong Since 1851.” All the Russias. February 26, 2013.
“Meanwhile, Back in ‘The Americans’.” All the Russias. February 21, 2013.
“Spies Like U.S.: ‘The Americans’ and the Americans.”All the Russias. February 1, 2013.
“Russia Greets the End of the World.” All the Russias. December 21, 2012.
“Russia’s Orphans as Commodity and Bargaining Chip.” All the Russias. December 18, 2012.
“Russia’s Culture Wars, or Россия диве дается.” All the Russias. December 13, 2012.
“Katniss in the Underground (A Pedagogical Field Note).”All the Russias. November 29, 2012.
“Off to New Orleans.”All the Russias. November 14, 2012.
“Anna Karenina, Runway Diva, or, Vengeance is Mine, Saith The Gap.” October 26, 2012.
“Ksenia Sobchak, Puzzled by Sexism” All the Russias. October 24, 2012.
“Pussy Riot: The Telenovela?”All the Russias. October 12, 2012. http://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/pussy-riot-the-telenovela/#.VBCVX2RdV8s
“Pussy Riot: Good News and Bad News” All the Russias. October 10, 2012.
“Reading Nabokov in Greenwich Village (A Pedagogical Field Note)”All the Russias. October 9, 2012.
“News about the Blog, or The Least Creative Post I’ve Ever Written.” October 5, 2012.
“Third Terms, Third Trimesters, Third Columns.” All the Russias. September 28, 2012.
“Together, Russia and America Make the Worst Film of the Century.”All the Russias. September 19, 2012.
“Will Somebody Please Write This Novel?”All the Russias. September 19, 2012.
“Rus! Where Are You Blogging?” All the Russias. September 18, 2012.
“Stories Not about Putin, or Masha Gessen Bikes to the Kremlin.” All the Russias. September 17, 2012.
“It’s a Bird, It’s a Crane….” All the Russias. September 14, 2012. .
“Reintroducing Russia.” All the Russias. September 13, 2012.
“A Note from the Editor.” All the Russias. September 13, 2012.
"Fighting Words." The Chronicle of Higher Education (April 29, 2011): B2. https://www.chronicle.com/article/fighting-words-127214/
"Vision 20/20." AATSEEL Newsletter 44.1 (2004).
Book Reviews
“Keith Livers. Conspiracy Culture .Post-Soviet Paranoia and the Russian Imagination.” Russian Review 80.3 (July 2021): 543-544.
“Alexandra Arkhipova and Anna Kirziuk. Opasnye sovetskie veshchi. Gorodskie legendy i strakhi v SSSR. Moscow: NLO, 2020.” Folklorica XXIII (2019): 84-85.
“Ol’ga Skonechnaia. Russkaia paranoidal’nyi roman: Fedor Sologub, Andrei Belyi, Vladimir Nabokov. Slavic Review 76.3 (2017): 828-829.
“Boris Fishman. Don’t Let My Baby Do Rodeo.” East European Jewish Affairs 46.3 (2016): 408-409.
“Muireen Maguire. Stalin’s Ghosts and Red Spectres.” TLS. August 28, 2013.
"Gregory Carleton. Sexual Revolution in Bolshevik Russia." The Journal of the History of Sexuality 18.3 (2009): 514-517.
"Ellen Mickiewicz. Television, Power, and the Public in Russia." Slavic Review 68.1 (2009): 145-147.
"Andrew Wachtel. Remaining Relevant after Communism." Slavic Review 66.2 (2007): 307-308.
“Yuri Olesha. Envy.” Slavic and East European Journal 48.4 (2004): 658-659.
“David Brandenberger National Bolshevism.” Slavic and East European Journal 48.3 (2004): 497-499.
“Catriona Kelly. Refining Russia.” Slavic and East European Journal 48.3 (2004): 502-504.
“Andrey Kurkov. Death and the Penguin." Slavic and East European Journal 47.2 (2003): 300-301.
“Anthony Olcott. Russian Pulp: The Detektiv and the Way of Russian Crime." Slavic Review 62.1 (2003): 224-226.
“David MacFadyen. Red Stars: Personality and the Soviet Popular Song, 1955-1991." University of Toronto Quarterly 72.1 (2003): 499-500.
“Lev Rubinstein. Here I Am: Performance Poems." Slavic and East European Journal 46.4 (2002): 652-654.
“Ellen E. Berry and Mikhail N. Epstein. Transcultural Experiments: Russian and American Models of Creative Communication." Canadian-American Slavic Studies 2002.
“Katherine Verdery. The Political Lives of Dead Bodies: Reburial and Postsocialist Change." Slavic and East European Journal 46.3 (2002): 622-624.
“Mikhail Epstein, Alexander Genis, and Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover. . Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives in Post-Soviet Culture.” Canadian-American Slavonic Studies 37.1-2 (2001): 237-239..
“George Kalbouss. Russian Culture.” Slavic and East European Journal 43.4 (1999): 734-735.
“Olga Meerson. ’Svobodnaia veshch’”. Poetika neostraneniia u Andreia Platonova.” Slavic Review 58.4 (1999): 947-948.
”Thomas Lahusen. How Life Writes the Book.“ Slavic and East European Journal 43.2 (1999): 378-379.
”Eric Naiman. Sex in Public.” Russian Review 58.2 (1999): 318-319.
”Ilya Vinitsky. Utekhi melankholiia.“ Slavic and East European Journal 43.1 (1999): 203-204.
”Thomas Lahusen and Evgeny Dobrenko (eds.). Socialist Realism without Shores.“ .” Slavic and East European Journal 43.1 (1999): 224-226..
”Robert C. Williams. Russian Imagined.” Romantic Russia Vol. 2 (1998).
”Dragan Kujundzic. The Returns of History: Russian Nietzcheans After Modernity.” The International Review of Modernism (1998).
”Janet Tucker. Revolution Betrayed.: Jurij Olesha’s Envy.” Russian Review 56.4 (1997): 595.
"Helena Goscilo. Dehexing Sex: Russian Womanhood During and After Glasnost.”" Canadian Slavonic Papers 38.1 (1996): 281-283.
”Daniel Rancour-Laferriere (ed.). Self Analysis in Literary Study: Exploring Hidden Agendas .“ Slavic and East European Journal 40.3 (1996): 574-575.
"Vladislav Todorov. Red Square, Black Square: Organon for Revolutionary Imagination.” Slavic and East European Journal 40.2 (1996): 387-389.
"Kazimiera Ingdahl. A Graveyard of Themes: The Genesis of Three Key Works by Iurii Olesha." Slavic Review 54. 4 (1995): 1072-1073.
"Aleksandr Etkind. Eros nevozmozhnogo: Istoriia psikhoanaliza v Rossii." Slavic and East European Journal J 39.3 (1995) : 452-453.
"Gregory Freidin (ed.). Russian Culture in Transformation." Slavic and East European Journal 38.4 (1994): 701-702.
“Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, Propaganda” (William and Mary, 2022)
“’Everybody Hates Russia’: On the Uses of Conspiracy Theory under Putin” (University of Washington, 2021).
“Russian Internet Memes,” (University of Pittsburgh’s STARTALK program, 2021)
“Informing Ourselves to Death: Conspiracy and Fantasy in Postmodern Russia” (The George L. Mosse Lecture, Humboldt University, 2021)
“Comics and the Cold War.” (University of North Carolina, 2021)
“Plots against Russia: The Uses of Conspiracy after the Soviet Collapse” (Alexander Dallin Lecture, Stanford 2021)
“Russian Memes, On and Off the Internet.” (Pomona, 2021)
“Plots against Russia.” (Seton Hall, November 2020)
“Plots against Russia.” (Northwestern University, May 2020)
“Post-Soviet Masculinities and the Vanishing Subject.” (Gender and Transformation Workshop, NYU, 2019)
“Queer Plots against Russia, or Tolerance as a Social Disease.” (Keynote Address, Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories Confrence, Prague, 2019)
“We Are All Conspiracy Theorists: Memes, Speech Acts, and the Conspiratorial Mode” (Einstein Forum, Potsdam, 2019)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Dartmouth University, 2019)
“Queer Plots against Russia, or Tolerance as a Social Disease.” (UC-Davis, 2019)
“Queer Plots against Russia, or Tolerance as a Social Disease.” (Keynote Address, University of Virginia, 2019)
“Plots against Russia: Cultural Contamination and the Language of Conspiracy” (Middlebury, 2019)
“Queer Plots against Russia, or Tolerance as a Social Disease.” (Keynote Address, Swarthmore College, 2019)
“Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, and Propaganda.” (Cambridge University, 2019)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Yale University, 2018)
“Enhanced Interrogation: The Violent Subjects of Russian (Post-)Modernism” Keynote Address. (McGill University 2018)
“Plots against Russia: Conspiracy, Sincerity, and Propaganda.” Keynote Address, (University of Salzburg, 2018)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Florida State University, 2018)
“Why So Serious? Cultural Backlash in Putin’s Third Term” (Rutgers, 2018)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Notre Dame, 2018)
“Putin’s Publics: Conspiracy, Conformity and the Conservative Turn” (Franklin and Marshall, 2017)
“Enhanced Interrogation: The Violent Subjects of Russian (Post-)Modernism” (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017)
“Myth Information: Propaganda, Consent, and Context in Today’s Russia. »
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Hamburg University, 2015)
“American Horror Story: Liberalism and the Russian Dystopian Imagination” (Stanford, 2015)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (Macalaster, 2015)
“Enhanced Interrogation: The Violent Subjects of Russian (Post-)Modernism” (University of Illinois-Chicago, 2015)
“Snatching Babies from an Unfit Motherland: Postsocialist Rhetorics of Orphanhood and Adoption.” (Trinity College, 2015).
“American Horror Story: Liberalism and the Russian Dystopian Imagination” (University of Southern California, 2014).
"Catastrophe of the Week: Entertaining the Apocalypse in Postsocialist Russia" (Miami University, 2014)
“Conspiracy as Information: The Afterlife of Bad Ideas.” (Keynote, Council for European Studies, 2014).
“Snatching Babies from an Unfit Motherland: Postsocialist Rhetorics of Orphanhood and Adoption.” (Davidson College, 2014).
"Catastrophe of the Week: Entertaining the Apocalypse in Postsocialist Russia" (NYU-Abu Dhabi, 2013)
"Lost Horizons: Russia as an Imaginary Country (Keynote, Tampere, Finland 2013)
"Our Home Is Russia: Global Russians, Moving Bodies, and Post-Soviet Entropy" (Jordan Center, NYU 2013)
“LGBT Issues in Russia.” (United Nations Unitarian Universalist Office, 2013)
"Pussy Riot: Performing Scandal in Putin's Russia" (Drew University, 2013)
"Our Home Is Russia: Global Russians, Moving Bodies, and Post-Soviet Entropy" (Williams College, 2013)
"Pussy Riot: Speaking Punk to Power" (Williams College, 2013)
"Catastrophe of the Week: Entertaining the Apocalypse in Postsocialist Russia" (Keynote, "Russia and East European Arts, World Stage", Eugene, Oregon, 2012)
"Putin Sings the Blues: Global Cultures, Bare Sovereignty, and National Ideas" (Keynote, University of Toronto Slavic Graduate Student Conference, 2012)
"Soviet Self-Hatred: Sovok, Ethnic Kitsch, and the Empire of Yokels" (University of Virginia, 2012)
"Flirting with Disaster: Russian Culture in Search of a Crisis" (Virginia Tech University, 2012)
"Socialism and Self-Hatred: Ethnic Kitsch and (Post-) Soviet Culture (University of Alberta, 2012)
"Perverting Slavic Studies: A Love Story" (Keynote Address, "Undoing Eros", Princeton University, 2010)
Faculty Commencement Address (NYU College of Arts and Sciences, 2010)
"Soviet Self-Hatred: Sovok, Ethnic Kitsch, and the Empire of Yokels" (Keynote Address, "Constructing Nation: From Modernity to the New Millennium," Coloardo, 2009)
"Ten Years That Shook The World: Demonizing the Grim Nineties" (“Up from the Ashes: National Revival and Imperial Ambitions in Putin-era Russia”, Florida, 2009)
"Mad Dogs and Businessmen: Masculinity and the National Idea in Recent Russian Popular Culture" (Annapolis, 2009)
"Soviet Self-Hatred: Sovok, Ethnic Kitsch, and the Empire of Yokels" (Keynote , Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference, 2008)
"The Crisis in Russian and Eurasian Studies: Film at Eleven" (Davis Center, 2008)
"Soviet Self-Hatred: Jews, Gypsies, and the Empire of Yokels" (The New School, 2008)
"Overkill: The Aesthetics of Sex and Violence in Post-Soviet Russia" (Montclair State University, 2008)
"Shopping and F***ing (and Fighting): The Uses of the Post-Socialist Body." Narcissus & Eros Conference, NYU (2007)
"Red Dawn." The Cold War Film Series at The Harriman Institute (2007)
"Atrocity's Attraction: Overkill and the Aesthetics of Ultraviolence in Post-Soviet Russia" (Columbia Slavic Seminar 2007)
"To Be Continued: Russia Rediscovers Serial Narrative.” (New York University 2005)
"To Be Continued: Russia Rediscovers Serial Narrative.” (Miami University 2005)
"To Be Continued: Russia Rediscovers Serial Narrative ” (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2005)
"Russian Popular Culture Today” (The International Center, New York Public Library-Flushing 2004)
"To Be Continued: Russia Rediscovers Serial Narrative.” (CUNY Graduate Center 2004).
"Survival of the Catchiest: Memes and Postmodernism in Post-Soviet Russia.” (Notre Dame 2004)
"Survival of the Catchiest: Meme Theory and (Post-)Soviet Culture.” (Columbia Slavic Seminar 2004)
"Is Russia Stable?” (New York Public Library 2003)
"Contemporary Russian Popular Culture” (NYU Russian Department 2003)
"Selling Russia: Prostitution, Masculinity, and Metaphors of Nationalism After Perestroika” (UC Berkeley, 2003)
"The Ladykillers: Female Sacrifice and Male Comradeship in Early Soviet Period." (Northwestern University, 2002).
"Vision 2020" Plenary Session, AATSEEL (2001)
"Violent Crime for Fun and Profit: Popular Entertainment in Today’s Russia.” (Colorado College and the University of Colorado, April 2000).
"Men without a Country: Compensatory Masculinity and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire” (Harriman Institute, April 2000).
"Selling Russia: Prostitution, Masculinity, and National Humiliation” (Drew University, Fall 1999)
"New Age Syncretism in Russia and the United States.” (The Department of English Language and Literature at the Russian State Humanities University, Spring 1999).
”Private Life for Public Consumption: Intimacy and Repression in Contemporary Russia.” (NYU Faculty Colloquium on Psychoanalysis, September 1996).
”The (Re-)Birth of the Subject: The Parodic Self-Portrait in Contemporary Russia.” (Russian-American Cultural Forum, January 1996)
."Sexual Discourse in Contemporary Russian Culture." (New York University, February 1995).
"Russia's MMM: Selling Shares in the Radiant Future." (The Center For Russian
and East European Studies, University of Virginia 1994).
"Moscow on the Haight: The Californiazation of Russian Culture." (Blue Ridge
Community College, April 1994).
"Maria Devi Khristos: Mass (Media) Hysteria in Russia and Ukraine." (The Center For Russian and East European Studies, University of Virginia 1993).
"The Collectivization of the Narrator." (University of Rochester 1993).
"The Collectivization of the Narrator." (Yale University 1993).
"The Collectivization of the Narrator." (University of Virginia 1993).
"The Collectivization of the Narrator." (New York University 1993).
"USSR, RIP?" (The Quad City Club, Illinois 1992).
“Four Questions on the Anniversary of the Soviet Collapse” Georgetown University (2021)
“The Empire Never Ended: The Soviet Union in the 21st Century” (Victor Pelevin Conference, Ann Arbor , 2021)
“Cultured Yokels and Barbarous Cosmopolitanism” (ASEEES, 2021)
“Looking for Data in All the Wrong Places” (ASEEES, 2021)
“Pelevin and Unfreedom: Poetics, Politics, Metaphysics” (Victor Pelevin Conference, Ann Arbor , 2021)
“Blogs and Digital Media in Contemporary Scholarship” (ICCEES, 2021)
“Scott Radnitz’s Revealing Schemes: The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region” (ASN, 2021)
“The Strangeness of Being Briefly Relevant” (Public Works Panel Discussion, Amherst, 2021)
“Beyond Belief: Conspiracy, Dissent, and the Trouble with Sincerity” (ASEEES, 2019)
“On Fetishizing the Crossover Book” (ASEEES, 2019)
“’No, You’re the Puppet’: Conspiracy and Agency in the Putin Era.” (ASEEES, 2018)
“Reshaping the Apocalypse: The Symbolic Geography of Chernobyl” (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018)
“Ilya Yablokov’s Fortress Russia” (ASN, 2018)
“Women and Children First: Constructing the West as a Gothic Nightmare.” (University of Illinois-Chicago, 2018)
“Boys Just Want to Have Fun: Just How Serious Are the ‘Satisfaction’ Videos?” (Davidson College, 2018)
“News from Nowhere: Global Russians and the Geopolitics of Utopian Diaspora” (Past Perfect: Utopian Visions in Historical Perspective (2017)
“Russian Orc: The Evil Empire Strikes Back” (Radiant Futures Conference, NYU, 2016)
“The Talking Dead: Articulating the ‘Zombified’ Subject Under Putin” (University of Maryland- College Park, 2015)
“’Putin—Khuilo’: The Anatomy of a Phallic Presidency” (ASEEES 2014)
“Pussy Riot: Speaking Punk to Power.” (The American Comparative Literature Association, 2014)
"Ghosts of Scandal: The Cathedral of Christ the Savior as a Haunted House" (ASEEES 2013)
"Trading Russian Futures: Postsocialist Rhetorics of Oprhanhood and Adoption (UW-Madison, 2013)
"Conspiracy As Information" (ASEEES, 2012)
"Russian Culture after the USSR: Pride and Prejudice" (Conference, "Russia after the Collapse of Communism," Beloit, 2012)
"Alt-USSR: Волшебные миры Советского союза после 1991г." (Conference, Историйеская памать: наиональная по форме - постсоветская по содержанию, St. Petersburg, 2012)
"Alt-USSR: The Soviet Union and Other Fantasy Lands after 1991" (ASEES, 2011)
"Agota Kristof and the Invention of a Virtual Central Europe" (Conference on Bicultural Literature" (London, 2010)
"Running in Place: Borders, Migrants, and the Symbolic Geography of Post-Soviet Russia" (Conference, "The Politics and Poetics of Refugrees," NYU, 2010)
"Reading and Russia" (Prague, 2010)
"The Cultural Geography of the Russian Internet" (Conference, "The Impact of Emerging Media on Russian Reality", 2009)
"That's Not Funny: Responding to Totalitarian Laughter" Conference, "Totalitarian Laughter, 2009)
"Secret Societies for Creative Anachronism: The Book of Veles as Information" (AAASS, 2009)
"On the Lost Opportunities of Slavic Literary Studies" (AAASS, 2009)
"The Cosmopolitan and the Yokel" (AAASS, 20006)
"Defining Bespredel: Gratuitous Violence and Gratuitous Acts" (AATSEEL 2005)
"Non-Issues in Slavic Studies, or, The Kids Are All Right" (AATSEEL, 2005)
"Trickle-Down Fascism: The Domestication of Conspiratorial Narrative after 1991” (AAASS 2004)
" Trickle-Down Fascism: The Domestication of Conspiratorial Narrative after 1991” (AATSEEL-Wisconsin 2004)
”Men of Action: Compensatory Masculinity in Film and Fiction.” Recontextualizing Russian Women’s Studies (Columbia University, 2003)
”Idiots Abroad: The Dubious Lesson of Recent Expat Fiction" (AATSEEL, 2002)
”Viral Entertainments: Memes and Postmodernism in Russia" (AAASS, 2002)
”Watching the Defectives: Beavis, Znak kachestva and the Construction of the Post-Soviet Audience." (AAASS, 2001).
”Mad Dogs and Businessmen: Masculinity and National Identity in the Contemporary Boevik.” (AAASS, 2000)
”Frankenstein’s Children: Mad Science and Mystery in Aleksandra Marinina’s Illusion of Sin.” Conference on Art, Technology, and Modernity in Russia and Eastern Europe (Columbia University, April 2000).
"Pin Me Up, Pin Me Down: Masculinity and Nationalism in Contemporary Russian ‘Men’s Magazines’." Conference on Russian Pornography (UCLA, 1998).
"Prosto Mavrodi': Saints' Lives and Soap Operas in the MMM Media Campaign." (AATSEEL 1996).
"Ideinost', Modernity, and Paranoia." (AAASS, 1996).
”Bolshevik Chivalry, Female Sacrifice and the End of the Marriage Plot." (The Columbia University History Study Group, March 1996).
”Revolution in Rhetoric: The Manifesto as Utopian Community.” (AAASS, 1995).
"Tekst kak mashina smerti: voennye rasskazy A. Platonova." [“The Text as Death Machine: The War Stories of A. Platonov.” (International Conference on World War II and Literature, Yekaterinburg, May 1995).
"Envisioning Taras Bul'ba: History's Male Models." (AATSEEL, 1994).
"The Ladykillers: Female Sacrifice and Male Comradeship in Early Soviet Literature." (AAASS, 1994).
"The Plural Self: The Struggle for Subjectivity in Zamyatin's We."(Kentucky
Foreign Language Conference, 1994).
"Comrade Myshkin: Platonov, Dostoevsky, and Revolutionary Asceticism."
(Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, 1994).
"Directed Readings: The Characters' Interpretation of Olesha's Envy." (AATSEEL, Toronto, 1993).
"Read at Your Own Risk: Milorad Pavic's Dictionary of the Khazars." (AATSEEL, San Francisco, 1991).
"Plot and Paranoia: Olesha's Obsession with Allegory." (AATSEEL, Wisconsin, 1991).
"Milorad Pavic and the Politics of Reading." (Wisconsin Lit. Symposium, 1991).
"Judaism and Personal Transformation in Doctor Zhivago." (AATSEEL, Wisconsin, 1990).
"Christ and the Poetic Body in 'Oblako v shtanakh'." (AATSEEL, D. C., 1989).
“The Russian Apocalypse” (NYU Abu Dhabi, 2023)
“Russia and Ukraine,” (NYU, 2022)
“Head Games: The Inner Lives of Marvel Superheroes in the 1970s” (Cornell, 2022)
“Contemporary Russian and Conspiracy Theories” (NYU Abu Dhabi (2022)
“Internet Memes” (Tel Aviv University (2020)
“Russian Internet Memes” (Princeton 2020)
“Science Fiction in Russia and the West” (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2017)
“Gender, Utopia, and Modernism” (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2017)
“Conspiracy Theory in Russia.” (University of Pennsylvania, 2016)
"Yuri Olesha's Envy.” (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2005)
“Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus” (New York University, 2004)
"Sologub and Russian Decadence” (Drew University, 2004)
“Russian Modernist Poetry” (New York University, 2002)
Participant, Workshop on Apocalyptic Rhetoric and Propaganda (University College London, 2022)
Participant, Ukrainian War Teach-In (NYU, 2022)
Discussant, “Humor and Marginalized Identities in Russian Culture” (AATSEEL, 2022)
Discussant, “Late and Post-Soviet Masculinities” (ASEEES, 2021)
Participant, “Pelevin and Unfreedom: Poetics, Politics, Metaphysics” (Victor Pelevin Conference, Ann Arbor , 2021)
Discussant, ““Youth Sexuality and Political Subjectivity in Late Socialism and Capitalism” (Socialism, Capitalism and Childhood Conference, Atlanta, 2021)
Participant, “Imagining Russian Hackers Symposium” (Yale, 2021)
Moderator, “Working towards Equity in Slavic Languages and Literatures Programs” (AATSEEL, 2021)
Moderator, “Comics of the New Europe” (Jordan Center, NYU 2021)
Moderator, “The Akunin Project Book Panel” (University of Manitoba, 2021)
Participant, “New Sci-Fi Horror: Sputnik” (Harriman Institute, 2021)
Participant, “Plots against Russia and Pussy Riot Discussion” (Harriman Institute, 2021)
Respondent, “Pussy Riot: Speaking Punk to Power Book Panel” (ASEEES, 2020)
Discussant, “Affective Embodiments” (ASEEES, 2020)
Participant, “Biopower in Transition: Prisons and Policing during the Long Soviet Collapse” (University of Chicago, 2020)
Panelist, “SuperNOS Literary Prize Event” (Harriman Institute, 2020)
Moderator, “Do Black Lives Matter in Russia?” (Indiana University, 2020)
Discussant, “Russian Masculinities” (ASEEES, 2019)
Participant, “Life Stories, Death Sentences: New LGBTQ Poetry and Prose Translated from Russian” (The Brooklyn Rail, 2019)
Organizer, “Radiant Futures: Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction (NYU, 2016)
Participant, “Russia and the Ukraine Crisis,” (NYU, 2014)
Participant, “Commentary on the Crisis in Ukraine,” (The University of the South, 2014)
Participant. “Sochi and Sport.” (Davidson College, 2014).
Participant. “The Russian Gay Propaganda Law.” Greenwich Village LGBT Center 2013.
Organizer/Participant. “LGBT Issues in Russia.” (NYU, 2013)
Organizer/Participant. “Russia’s Long Year, 2012-2013” (NYU, 2013)
Organizer/Participant "Pussy Riot: Performance, Politics, and Protest" (NYU, 2012)
Discussant, "Bad Subjects of Late Socialism (ASEEES, 2012)
Chair, “The Impact of the World Wars on Soviet Veterans" (AAASS, 2006)
Discussant, "The Post-Soviet Media (Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference, 2004)
Discussant, "The Family Romance of Russian Modernism" (AAASS, 2002)
Chair, “Alexander Blok Reconsidered” (AAASS, 2000).
Chair, “Contemporary Russian Satire.” (AAASS, 1998).
Discussant, “Orientalism in Russian Literature.” (AAASS, 1998).
Discussant, “Gender Infractions in Russian 20th-Century Prose.” (AAASS, 1997).
Chair, "Contemporary Russian Literature" (“Prospect: a Russian-American Poetry Festival", Hoboken, 1996)
Member, Workshop on New Approaches to Russian History (1995-1996)
Chair, “Nikolai Gogol Society” (AATSEEL, 1995)
Chair/Discussant, "Central European Lit." (UVA Grad. Symposium, 1995)
Member, Columbia University Slavic Seminar (1995-)
Chair, "Russian Prose: Models of Reality" (AATSEEL, 1994)
Chair/Discussant, "Russian Mass Media" (UVA Graduate Symposium, 1994)
Secretary, "Nikolai Gogol Society" (AATSEEL, 1994)
Chair, Committee of Arts & Sciences Heads (Chairs and Directors meeting without the deans) (2022-)
Chair, Search Committee, Literature and Creative Writing Program (NYU-Abu Dhabi) (2021-2022)
Chair, Curriculum Review, Literature and Creative Writing Program (NYU-Abu Dhabi) (2020-2021)
Member, Core Curriculum Review Committee (2018-2019)
Chair, Site-Specific Academic Committee for NYU Prague (2014-2016)
Co-Chair, Faculty Advisory Committee on the Global Network (2013-)
Member, Site-Specific Academic Committee for NYU Prague (2013-2014, 2016-)
Member, East Asian Studies Senior Search Committee (2013-2014)
Faculty Affiliate, Geek NYC Residential Theme Floor (2013-2016)
Member, Faculty Steering Committee for Foundations of Contemporary Culture (2013-)
Member, FAS Committee on Promotion and Tenure (Fall 2010-2013)
Chair, Faculty Steering Committee for Foundations of Contemporary Culture (Fall 2010-2013)
Faculty Speaker, NYU CAS Winter Baccalaureate Ceremony (2010)
Chair, FAS Committee on Policy and Planning (2008-2009)
Chair, FAS Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Governance (2007-2008)
Member, FAS Ad Hoc Committee on General Education (2006-2008)
Member, FAS Committee on Policy and Planning (2005-2010)
Chair, FAS Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum (2005-2007)
Co-Coordinator, Committee of Arts & Sciences Heads (Chairs and Directors meeting without the deans) (2005-2007)
Member, Faculty Steering Committee for Foundations of Scientific Inquiry (2004-2009)
Faculty Speaker, NYU FAS Prospective Students and Parents (2004-2007)
Faculty Speaker, NYU Campus Tour Guides' Orientation (2003)
Member CAS Freshman Dialogue Committee (2001-2003)
Member, Faculty Steering Committee for Foundations of Contemporary Culture (2000-2009)
Member, FAS Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum (1997-1998, 2004-2006)
CAS Freshman Dialogue Orientation Discussion Leader (1995-present)
President, NESEEES (2022-)
Selection Committee, AATSEEL book award (2021-)
Selection Committee, Distinguished Contribution Award (2020-)
Board Member, Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (2014-2017)
Selection Committee, AWSS Award (2009-2012)
Program Committee, AATSEEL (1996-1998)
Over 50 promotion and tenure reviews.
External Review Committees (Brown University, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Hunter College, Northwestern University, University of Southern California)
5-10 manuscripts reviewed annually
Advanced Russian II
Conspiracy Theories: Paranoid Fictions after Freud
Contemporary Central and East European Literature
Conversations of the West: Antiquity and the Nineteenth Century
Expressive Culture: Words
Fantasy, Science Fiction and Reality
First-Year Russian
First-Year Serbian and Croatian
Fourth-Year Russian
The Graphic Novel
Major Russian Novels
Modern Russian Culture
Modernist Poetry
Narrative, Media, and Technology
Nineteenth Century Russian Literature in Translation
Russia Today
Science Fiction
Sex and Gender in Russian Culture
Slavic Science Fiction
The Unquiet Dead
Twentieth Century Russian Literature in Translation
Utopia, Apocalypse, and the Millennium
Utopian and Apocalyptic Fiction (taught in Russian)
World Cultures: Russia Between East and West
Conspiracy Theories: Paranoid Fictions after Freud
Contemporary Russian Fiction
Critical Theory
Defining Russia
Reading Post-Socialist Russia
Research Methods and Bibliography
Russian and European Utopian Fiction
Russian Modernist Fiction
Russian Popular Culture: The Twentieth Century
Russian Postmodernist Fiction
Russian Utopian Fiction
Sex or Communism: Russian Prose of the 1920s