“Imagining Russian Hackers” Symposium


May 20 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

“Imagining Russian Hackers: Myths of Men and Machines” is a multi-part research initiative that seeks to study this phenomenon. We aim to combine careful and contextualized studies of the prehistories and traceable present of Russian and East European “hacker culture” with close readings of cultural depictions of hacker imaginaries from both sides of the former/revived Cold War.

Symposium Day 2: Thursday, May 20, 12-2 pm EDT
Who’s Afraid of Russian Hackers?

Eliot Borenstein (NYU Slavic)
Michael Gordin (Princeton History)
Sean Guillory (Pittsburg CREEES & SRB Podcast)
Aleksandra Simonova (UC Berkeley Anthro)
Mariëlle Wijermars (Maastrich Cybersecurity)
and others

With hosts
Marijeta Bozovic (Yale Slavic) and
Benjamin Peters (Tulsa Media)

Registration for Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/RussianHackers_Symposium 


“Soviet Commercials: Keeping up with the Dzhonses”


Book Panel on Scott Radnitz’s “Revealing Schemes: The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region” at the ASN